Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images thet creates an illusion of movement.
The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. This type of presentation is usually accomplished with a camera and a projector or a computer viewing screen which can rapidly cycle through images in a sequence. Animation can be made with either hand rendered art, computer generated imagery, or 3D objects, e.g
Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images thet creates an illusion of movement.
The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. This type of presentation is usually accomplished with a camera and a projector or a computer viewing screen which can rapidly cycle through images in a sequence. Animation can be made with either hand rendered art, computer generated imagery, or 3D objects, e.g
Untitled from agworkshops on Vimeo. Untitled from agworkshops on Vimeo. 1 from agworkshops on Vimeo. |
9 from agworkshops on Vimeo.